Product Change Notification - PCN 001039
May 31, 2024

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Product Changes > Product Change Notification - PCN 001039
May 31, 2024

Product Change Notification - PCN 001039
May 31, 2024

We would like to inform you that Moxa is going to make changes to the

  • MGate 5134 Series
  • MGate 5135/5435 Series

These changes will be implemented by July 31, 2024.

Please review the details below to determine how these changes will affect your products and/or operations.

What will change?

The following changes will be implemented in the new versions:

1. Component Change

Changed Items Reason for Changes    Affected Models   
Ethernet switch     Because the component's end of life is highly possible.     MGate 5134
MGate 5134-T
MGate 5135
MGate 5135-T
MGate 5435
MGate 5435-T

Which products will be affected?

   Product Name       Current Version       New Version   
MGate 5134 V1.0.0 V1.0.1
MGate 5134-T V1.0.0 V1.0.1
MGate 5135 V1.0.0 V1.0.1
MGate 5135-T V1.0.0 V1.0.1
MGate 5435 V1.0.0 V1.0.1
MGate 5435-T V1.0.0 V1.0.1

When will the new versions be available?

Product Name New Version Available for Order
MGate 5134 V1.0.1 July 31, 2024
MGate 5134-T V1.0.1 July 31, 2024
MGate 5135 V1.0.1 July 31, 2024
MGate 5135-T V1.0.1 July 31, 2024
MGate 5435 V1.0.1 July 31, 2024
MGate 5435-T V1.0.1 July 31, 2024

2. Firmware Compatibility

Because of this change, the new product (hardware) revision cannot work with the older firmware version.

Compatibility between firmware and the product version of the listed products:

     Product Version V1.0.0       Product Version V1.0.1   
Firmware version V1.3.0      Compatible NOT compatible
Firmware version V1.4.0 Compatible Compatible

Please do not downgrade the firmware when you receive the new units.

We have verified that the new versions of firmware (the versions after V1.4.0) are backward compatible with the old revisions of hardware already on the field site.

The effective schedule of this transition may be changed based on stock availability.

Please contact the product manager for the most up-to-date schedule.

If you have any questions, please contact KS Hsu at, or contact your regional sales representative.


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